Tuesday, 8 October 2019

P-12 Explanation Of Task-Based Language Learning (TBL). Assignment

Name :- Mansi Upadhyay
Roll no :- 18
Semester :- 3
Year :- 2019-20
Paper no :- 12 (English Language Teaching-1 )
Assignment Topic :- Explanesion of Task Based language learning
E-Mail :- mansiupadhyay06@gmail.com
Submitted to :- Department of English Maharaja Krishnakumar sinhji Bhavnagar University.
Words :- 1515

Introduction :-

                       Task based language learning (TBL) focus on the use of the authentic language and on asking students do meaningful tasks using the target language. Such task can include visiting a doctor, conducting and interview, or Teacher and student or calling customer service for help. Most approaches to language teaching can be described as ‘Form-based’. Such approaches analyse the language into an inventory of forms which can then be presented to the learner and practiced as a series of discrete items. J. Wills(1996) defines a task as an activity ‘where the target language used by the learner for a communicative purpose in order to achieve an outcome’. Here the notion of meaning is subsumed in ‘Outcome’.

What is a TBL ?

Task based language learning. 
Task based language learning (TBL) also known as Task based language Teaching (TBLT), or task based instruction (TBI) focus on the use of authentic language and on asking students do meaningful tasks using the target students do meaningful tasks using the target language. Such task can include visiting a doctor, conducting an interview, or calling customer service for help.
                Assessment is primarily based on task outcome  in other words the appropriate completion of real world tasks rather than on accuracy of prescribed language forms. This  TBL especially. Popular for developing target language fluency and student confidence as such task based language learning can be considered a branch of “Communicative language teaching”.

   Definition of Task :-

1). A task involves a primary focus on meaning.
2). A task has some kind of ‘Gap’ (Prabhu    identified the main types as informal gap, reasoning gap, and opinion gap.)
3).The participants choose the linguistic resources needed to complete the task.
4).A task has a clearly defined non linguistic outcome.

Prabhu (1987) identified four broad task types:
1 information Gap
2 Reasoning Gap
3 Problem solving
4 Opining Gap
Let’s see one by one,

 Information Gap activity:- which involves a transfer of given information from one person to another or from one place to another generally calling for decoding or encoding of information from or in to language.
            One examples is pair work in which each member of the pair has a part of the total information. The activity often involves selection of relevant information as well as, and learners may have to meet criteria of completeness and Correctness in making the transfer.

2. Resoning Gap :-
 Reasoning gap activity, which involves deriving some new information from given information though processes of inference, deduction, practical reasoning. or a perception of relationship or patterns.
                 One example is working out a teacher’s timetable on the basis of given class timetables.
               The activity necessarily involves comprehending and conveying information, as in information-gap activity, but the information to be conveyed is not identical with that intially comprenced. There is a piece of reasoning which connects the two.                                         

Opinion Gap :-
Opinion gap activity which involves identifying and articulating a personal preference, feeling, or attitude in response to a given situation One example is story completion another is taking part in the discussion of social issue. The activity may involve using factual information and formulating arguments to justify one’s opinion, but there is no objective procedure for demonstrating outcomes as right or wrong, and no reason to expect the same outcome from different individuals or on different occasions.

                      According to Jane Wills Task based language learning TBL consists of the pre-task cycle, and the language focus.
The components of a Task are:-

1. Goals and objectives.
2. Input.
3. Activities.
4. Teacher role.
5. Learner role.
6. Setting.
   Principle of Task Based Learning :-

-       Learners require exposure to the real and varied language of speakers of the target language.
-       Learners must be exposed to and use the kind of language that they want and need for their own interest or purposes.
-       Learners must be provided with opportunities for unrehearsed and meaningful language use in purposeful interaction where they take informed risks, make choices, and negotiate meaning while seeking solution to genuine queries.
-       Teacher Ensure that activities are interconnected and organized with clearly specified objectives and promote the desire to learn.
-       Teacher should elicit self-correction enable personalized feedback, and consider learners individual developing language systems.
-       Teacher must set activities for learners that help them notice language forms; induction/ discovery is preferable to deduction/ presentation; teachers should instruction form in the context of activities where is primary.
-       The whole language listening, speaking, Reading, and writing should be integrated.
-       Teachers evaluate learners in a formative manner and in terms of the process of achieving a goal; learners need to evaluate their own performance and progress.

    One feature of TBL, therefore, is the learners carrying out a task are free to use any language they can to achieve the outcome: language forms are not prescribed in advance.   
        The task based approaches, therefore, language development is prompted by language use, with the study of language form playing a secondary role. Recent research however, suggests that while communicative language form if acquisition is to maximally efficient.
Skehan (1996), e.g. argues that unless we encourage a focus on form, learners will develop more effective strategies for achieving communicative goals without an accompanying development of exchange meanings in spite of the shortcoming of their language as a result they to exchange  meanings in spite of the shortcomings of their language. As a result they may fossilize at a relatively low level of language development.
         Skehan(1992) suggest that learning is prompted by the need to communicate, but argues that learning will be more efficient if:
1. There is a need to focus on accuracy within a task-based methodology.
2. There is a critical focus on language form within the task-based cycle.
The challenge for TBL, therefore, is to devise a methodology which affords learners the freedom to engage natural learning processes in the creation of a meaning systems, but which incentives to ‘restructure’ their system in the light of language input.
    An approach similar in some ways to Prabhu’s  is put forward by Breen 1987 and Candlin 1987 in their advocacy of a process syllabus. Breen and candlin agree with prabhu in they see the basic unit of syllabus design and classroom methodology as an activity of some kind.
-       The role of the teacher is not to determine unilaterally how learning will be organized and sequenced, but to consult learners and help them realize their own learning plan.
-       Prabhu’s procedural approach deliberately avoids all focus on language. Students operating with the process syllabus, however, may choose for themselves to focus explicitly on language form.

             TBL like CLT rests on road principles rather than precise recommendations or perceptions. The second principle is that learning will be effective only if it is related closely to language use and involves relating form and meaning.
              J.Wills 1996 offers another classification of tasks which subsumes the above types and as a generative pedagogic tool. She suggests that we first draw up series of topics suited to our learners. She then identifies a number of operations, based on chosen comparing; problem solving; sharing personal experiences; creative tasks. 
           The need for a focus on form within a task-based methodology may be met in part by manipulating the circumstances of communication in the classroom. Tasks carried out orally in manipulating the circumstances of communication in the classroom. Task which involve a presentation to the class as a whole, or the preparation of written output, demand a higher level of accuracy. this is in line with natural language use. We are more conscious of language form in public presentation than in private use. Wills and Wills 1987-96 offer a detailed rationale for these procedures, a frame work involving a pre-task phase followed by a task-planning report cycle, in which learners move from pair discussion of task to a public report of their findings.
               It is important that teacher question for the principles and procedures which inform TBL. Formal research may identify and refine questions to do with classroom practice and provide experimental findings which are indicative of answers to some of those questions, but it is important to test these finding through critical observation of classroom practice. And recently start to digital era and this time task are different role of education like email, blog task, online discussion task, etc… role of the task based learning.

  Conclusion :-

                       TBL represents an attempt to harness natural processes. But it also seems that these process and provide language focus activities based on consciousness-raising which will support these processes. The crucial challenges for TBL, therefore, are to do with design and sequencing of tasks, and the determination of how best to encourage learners to focus on language form in a way which prompt language development while, at the same time, recognizing that there is no direct.

Thank You

P-11 Literary Terms Assignment

Name :- Mansi Upadhyay
Roll no :- 18
Semester :- 3
Year :- 2019-20
Paper no :- 11 ( The Post-colonial Study)
Assignment Topic :-    Literary Terms
E-Mail :- mansiupadhyay06@gmail.com
Submitted to :- Department of English Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.
Words :- 1584


                 The field of Postcolonial Studies is one of the academic discipline that has arisen in an attempt to amend or replace radical theories of social power since the alleged discrediting of Marxism. Together with intellectual constructions like feminism, queer theory and other manifestations of postmodernism, it has won the attention of many academics who despair of grand narratives, logo centrism, historicism and progressive teleology.
                  Possessed by pessimism and often babbling in tongues, these intellectuals "theorize" the agonies of the dispossessed while serving on tenure committees.  The use of cognate terms "Commonwealth" and "Third World" that were used to describe the literature of Europe's former colonies has become rarer. Although there is considerable debate over the precise parameters of the field and the definition of the term "postcolonial," in a very general sense.

  Allegory :-

                      Allegory literary term and allegory is actually, the use of characters events or ideas in the novel literary. Text that are used to illustrate or show the larger concept. Something that is not directly said but it's implied rather this larger concept, that just relate to a number of different things for instance this larger concepts pointing.  
                    To something political or it could be something religious, it could be historical or social either way whatever the larger concept is directly pertaining to the whole point of the allegory. is that the author is using the text to provide his or her own commentary, on the subject matter in other word the author is investing and putting their own opinion into literary text . Or can be identify this allegory is almost like hidden message it's the authors on hidden message that they want to get across in the novel.
                      The word allegory has been derived from the “Greek” word allegoric, meaning to speak in other terms. This means speaking otherwise translation. In allegory    is almost about double meaning. The representation of abstract principle by characters or figure a picture book or other form of communication. Using such representation symbolic representation, which can be interpreted to revise a hidden meaning usually or more or political one. 

                     Allegory is an extended narrative where more is mint than meets the eye or the year for example which carries a second winning along with its surface story.

                  Allegory has long been a prominent feature of literary and mythic writing throughout the world, but it becomes particularly significant for post-colonial.  Writers for the way in which it disrupts notions of orthodox history, classical realism and imperial representation in general.

               Allegory has assumed an important function in imperial discourse, in which paintings and statues have often been created as allegories of imperial power. Consequently, one form of post-colonial response to this has been to appropriate allegory and use it to respond to the allegorical representation of imperial dominance.

                Third World literatures, indeed all Third World cultural constructions, are ‘necessarily’ national allegories. This means, firstly, that post-colonial cultures may use allegory to ‘read’ the text of colonialism So much of the life of the colonized subject has been constructed by, that is, metaphorically. the use of the allegorical form seeks to replace monolithic traditions with a cross-cultural pluralism.
                ‘post-colonial’ allegory contests and disrupts the narrative assumptions of colonialism, such as the inevitability of ‘development’, of ‘progress’, of ‘civilization’, the dominance of the chronological view of history, the Euro-centric view of ‘the real’. By reinforcing the fact that ‘real’ events occupy various horizons of meaning, post-colonial allegory becomes a common strategy of resistance in post-colonial texts.

  What is a post colonialism ?

                       Literature written after the colonizing countries left the colonization of the countries, which were ruling the countries. In Asia and Africa when they left when they granted freedom, to those countries. Who went away to their own land and the people, of the colonized countries they started writing in the same language.
For example, English why did they learn English? And write in English or French why?
                      So, language and culture is newer to a foreign culture to of foreign language. Like Indian English and if they learn English they would Rise Above their one people.  so he introduced and this people British, has changed the complete education system and when the Britishers  life.
                    The country, so there was a change in writing people who were purely of one country,  one language, they were introduced but different language different culture so what happened there was a culture shock in with there was a language shock in the beginning. And then they expressive their children day web on in environment. Which was having intermixing of both the culture and language. And that's how hybrid, hybridization the mixing, with two culture took place and a new short of writing.
                         Image and the critic they called postcolonial writing. Post colonialism it image in India it imagine Africa and all of the countries where the colonizing countries had stayed for more than century. .
  Anti Colonialism :-

                   The political struggle of colonized peoples against the specific ideology and practice of colonialism Anti-signifies the point at which the various forms of opposition become articulated as a resistance to the operations of colonialism in political, economic and cultural institutions. It emphasizes the need to reject colonial power and restore local control.

                  Paradoxically, anti-colonialist movements often expressed themselves in the appropriation and subversion of forms borrowed from the institutions of the colonizer and turned back on them.

                  Thus the struggle was often articulated in terms of a discourse of anti-colonial ‘nationalism’ in which the form of the modern European nation-state was taken over and employed as a sign of resistance Anti-colonialism has taken many forms in different colonial situations; it is sometimes associated with an ideology of racial liberation, as in the case of nineteenth-century West African nationalists such as Edward Wilmot In the second half of the twentieth century.

                  Anti-colonialism was often articulated in terms of a radical, Marxist discourse of liberation, and in constructions that sought to reconcile the internationalist and anti-elitist demands of Marxism with the nationalist sentiments of the period (National Liberation Fronts), in the work and theory of early national liberationist thinkers.
                   Anti colonialism the movement that oppose colonialism. Anti colonial struggle the opinion war through film more lasted from 1839 to 1842 It begin because the British kept trafficking opium through India into the China. China in British were doing this because they really wanted to trade Chinese birth cake new opium was only product that China could not produce for itself,  so the British wanted to trade with China. China  site no we already have everything we need and then the British said oh wait but we have got this opinion in China said we don't really want either but the British food traffic it through India and then into China and threaded there even through .
Apartheid :-
                           It was a system of racial segregation that governed South Africa for nearly 50 yearsSeparators it was a system of racial segregation that governed South Africa.  It specifically aimed to protect the domination of the white South Africans over non whites in every aspect of life but it didn't just appear out of thin air during the colonial grab for the country.
                      Between the Dutch descended African and the British the rights of native black South Africans, where Show episode was officially made low in 1948 by the African lead national party.  it was the contribution of in justice already happening African , believe that South Africa was there god.
                          Given Homeland and that the white race was superior the black majority was therefore seen as a threat there were  loss blacks had to carry it permits at all times in head office trick .

                   When did people were classified into four wrestle, categories white black Indian. And colored people, of mixers race and they where old separated into different residential areas blacks were divided into so call Homeland based on tribal group. Rural overcrowded and lack jobs forcing black to seek work as migrate labor.
                     Wage Vellore and it was illegal for workers to strict see appetite was also economically, motivated cheap workforce was needed particular to work in the countries.  Goldmines powerful Mini magnet had a huge stake in apartheid, policies since there profit depend on keeping black wag.
                    Law outside their designed home.  And non white had no political rights since they were not technically citizen.  They cannot education also divided bus stand setup separate education system, for black that receive fraction of funding that white schools.  Did mandatory education and died.
                   At the age 13 funnel blacks in into menial migrate labor exploitation by design needleless.  To say there was resistance to this instance law protects, where of fun lead black students and youth where met with several preparation out of this struggle.

Conclusion :-

                   A theory of the operation of the world economic, social and political system, formulated by Immanuel Waller stein .The chief assertion of this theory is that the capitalist system has been the world economic system since the sixteenth century and that one cannot talk about economies in terms of the nation-state, nor of ‘society’ in the abstract, nor of ‘stages’ of progress, because each society is affected by, indeed is a part of, the capitalist world profits.

Thank you

P-10 Theme in The Old Man and Sea Assignment

Department of English,
M.K.Bhavnagar University
Name :- Mansi Upadhyay
Roll No :- 18
Year :- 2019-20
Semester :- 3
Paper no :- 10 ( The American Literature)
Assignment Topic :- Theme in The Old Man and Sea.
Submitted To :- Dr. Prof. Dilip Barad sir ( head of English Department )
Words :- 1460

* Earnest Hemingway Introduction :-

*Ernest Miller Hemingway born 21 July 1899 and 2 July 1961 was an American Journalist, novelist, short – story writer, and sportsman. His economical and understated style-which he termed the iceberg theory had a strong influence on 20th century fiction, while his adventurous lifestyle and his public image brought him admiration from later generations. Three of his novels, four short story collections, and three non-fiction work were published posthumously. Many of his works are considered classics of American literature. Hemingway went on safari to Africa shortly after the publication of The Old Man and Sea (1952), where he was involved in two successive near-fatal plane crashes that left him in pain and ill-health for much of the rest of his life.

* Theme in The Old Man and Sea :-

§  Hemingway’s lifelong interest and skill in athletic activities and physical adventures such as deep sea fishing, bullfighting, and hunting inform much of his literary work. His idea of virility includes strength, physical prowess, and perseverance. Many of his heroes combine these qualities, strive toward them, or suffer from their loss. The old man and sea tackles themes that occupied Hemingway for his entire life.  

v Five type of Theme :-

1) Perseverance
2) Pain and Suffering
3) Circle of life
4) Physical strength and skill
5) Pride, Honor, and Respect

(1)         Perseverance :-

                   The old man and the sea illustrates the theme of perseverance in different ways and on different levels. First, although the old man has not caught a fish in 84 days, he does not bemoan his fate or rage against his detractors. Instead, defying his streak of bad luck, the old man keeps going out to fish, trying even harder by fishing farther out in the open sea than anyone else. Second, like the old man himself, the marlin does not surrender and go belly-up but uses its size and strength to pull the old man’s skiff even farther out to sea, thus making it a formidable adversary. Third, seemingly dwarfed by the marlin’s size and strength, Santiago defeats the mighty fish after all because he is willing to endure exhaustion, hunger, thirst, and pain. The same willpower that enabled the old man’s hero, Joe DiMaggio, to play a flawless game despite painful injuries enables the old man to wait out his opponent’s strength. Finally, when the sharks attack and feed on the marlin until nothing is left, the old man kills or fends them off one by one, despite losing a weapon with each confrontation until he has nothing left but his bare fists.
                  Returning home with nothing but the skeleton to bear witness to the greatest catch of his life and his skiff badly damaged, Santiago is not defeated, nor is his spirit broken. Like Jesus bearing his cross, Santiago will carry his mast to and from his skiff day in and day out, doing what fisherman are meant to do: fish.

(2)         Pain and suffering :-

                      The theme of pain and suffering is intricately connected to that of perseverance and appears in several ways. Pain is the price a fisherman must pay for a bountiful catch. The old man’s hands are marred with scars, speaking to a lifelong history of struggles with opponents out at sea. In the course of the story, it becomes clear that while these scars are indeed a sign of strength, willpower, and victory. No pain, no gain: in the context of this story, the phrase means any worthwhile catch comes with painful physical injuries cuts to the hands, arms, face, and back of a fisherman as he tries to hold and reel in the fish. To be a fisherman means enduring pain.
                      However, the theme of pain and suffering goes deeper. The capacity to endure pain and suffering distinguishes humans from other creatures. Although a strong opponent, eventually the marlin gives up and allows itself to be reeled in while the old man keeps going despite physical exhaustion, three painful wounds, a cramping hand, and suffering distinguishes Santiago from other fisherman. Just as Joe DiMaggio overcame painful injuries to pull off an unparalleled hitting streak, Santiago defies odds that younger, stronger, and perhaps more successful fishermen do not try. None of them has ever fished as far out or encountered a fish as large, strong, and magnificent as Santiago has. The old man’s ability to endure pain and suffering establishes him as a hero who rises above others.

(3)         Circle of Life :-

                       Life and death are prominent themes in old man and the sea. The old man muses that the sea, a symbol for nature itself, is simultaneously beautiful and cruel because it gives life and takes it away. Sea turtles swallow jellyfish, hawks hunt warblers, sharks devour marlins, and men catch fish. each creature has its place in the food chain that keeps the circle of life going. The death of one creature provides life for another. The seemingly opposing forces of life and death are in fact in perfect balance.
                         However, there is another aspect to this theme. Although Santiago appreciates the circle of life and recognizes his own place within it, he fights hard to rise above it and survive. He risks his life sailing out father and staying longer than anyone to catch a fish large enough to provide meat for him to eat and sell. He defends his catch against sharks, brute creatures out to satisfy the very bloodlust that kills them. Fishing is Santiago’s livelihood; it’s how he sustains the one life he has. While nature as a whole holds opposing forces in perfect balance, life and death are the poles that mark an individual life. Hemingway shows that what distinguishes humans from other creatures is the desire to persevere as individuals. The old man, who lives alone in his shack, illustrates the human condition: a struggle against death that each man must fight on his own.

(4)         Physical Strength and Skill :-

                        As his weather beaten body shows, Santiago is not quite as strong as he used to be. However, in his epic struggle with the marlin, the old man makes up for that loss of vitality and strength with superior knowledge and skill. He knows how to read nature, he knows how to handle the line to read nature, he knows how to handle the line to gauge the movement of the fish, and he knows how to interpret these movements. That’s not all he also knows himself and his own limits. He knows exactly how to read nature, he knows how to handle the line to gauge the movement of the fish, and he knows how to interpret these movements. That’s not all he also knows himself and his own limits. He knows exactly how far to push himself and how to counteract the harrowing effects of the long struggle on his physical strength. He knows exactly when to eat and when to rest, and he uses his skill to overcome his limitations. When he loses on weapon after another as he battles the sharks, the old man uses the resources at his disposal to create the makeshift weapons that keep him alive. However, throughout the story, it becomes clear that despite the old man’s physical prowess, skill, and willingness to take risks, he lacks luck and therefore cannot find material success.

(5)         Pride, Honor, and Respect :-

                       Although the old man is humble and seems to care little about the other fishermen’s opinions, he is proud of his skills and wants recognition for them. After all, he wishes Manolin were there with him, not only to help him fish and dispel loneliness, but also to show the boy what kind of man he is and to witness the greatest the fish’s size, strength, and perseverance the marlin pulls the skiff for days make it an opponent worthy of the old man’s respect. Defeating it in a struggle that takes everything the old man has in turn demands respect from others. It matters little that he does not meet the original objective in catching the fish, to return with meat to eat and sell. The villagers admiration for the magnificent skeleton tied to the old man’s skiff shows there is honor in honest defeat. It is the struggle itself that counts, the willingness to exert all of one’s strength, no matter what the outcome may be.    


Paper No :- 15 Assignment

Name :- Mansi Upadhyay Roll no :- 16 Semester :- 4 Year :- 2019-20 Paper no :- 15 (Mass Media and                             C...