Tuesday 3 September 2019


Thinking Activity

Methods of English Teaching

1. The Grammar Translation Method
2. The Direct Method
3. The Audio Lingual Method
4. Total Physical Response and Suggestopedia
5. The Silent Way

1) The Grammar Translation Method :-

                               This oldest and traditional method of teaching. particularly in India, this method is used as English is taught as a second language. the Structure of a foreign language is best learn when compared and contrasted with the mother tongue.

2) The Direct Method :- 


                            Direct Method is the Method Through which students learn to communicate in the target language and not involving L1 in the language learning process. this method is also known as natural method. learning the second language without the help of other language.

3) The Audio Lingual Method :-
                    This Method used to improve communicative competence in learner. This method based on linguistic theory and behavioral psychology. the Audio lingual method is  used to improve communicative competence in learners.

4) Total Physical Response :-

                         This method is based on learning through this method is based on learning through physical activities.

5) The Silent Way :-

                         The silent way is a language teaching method created by caleb Gattegno in 1963. An extensive use of silence is as teaching technique.

Q-1) Which Method appealed you the most from the above given methods ? Give Reasons.

Ans :- "The Audio Lingual Method i most appealed because this method through teacher can teach easily study topic. there are many online courses are available. the most important thing is that we can learn in the absence of teacher.

Q-2) Tell something about your favorite method used by your teachers from school till PG. how is their method unique ?

Ans :- I was studying in primary to high school during most of teachers focused on grammar translation method and also involved these all method which i refer as above. i can tell our teaching methods depended on exam so our exam system is like a game of memorization and it is not just memories but equabal memories everything so it like bookish knowledge when we used in college level most students feel confused. i like grammar translation method.

Q-3) Tell something going about the method you didn't like from school till PG. Give reasons.

Ans :- I not like the silent way method. because in this method there is no interaction between teacher and students. silent way method is not good for teaching if students silently listen everything and not allowed students response so this method is not appropriate for teaching.


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