Thursday 15 November 2018

P :- 4 Assignment Critically analyze kanthapura as a Gandhian epic

Department of English,


Name :- Upadhyay Mansi M.

Roll no :- 23

Enrollment no :- 2069108420190042

Email id :-

Department :- M.A. English department

Submitted To :- Prof. Heenabamam. zala

(Head of English Dept.M. K.                       Bhavnagar University)

 Semester :- 1

Paper no :- (4) ( Indian writing in English )

Assignment :- Critically analyze kanthapura as a Gandhian epic.

1) Critically analyze kanthapura as a gandhian epic.  

                           There were three Indian modern writer of classic. Their contribution in classic is very significant. They are :-

1.Raja rao
2. R.k. narayan
3.Mulk raj anand

Introduction :-

                             There were three Indian modern writer of classic. Their contribution in classic is very significant. Mulk raj anand, r. k narayan, raja rao those three person are great dramatist of the Indian writing in English. In Indian literature we have many forms like epic, lyrics, drama, short stories and fables but we should wit of novel very long time.

Raja rao :-

                        Raja Rao is most remarkable person of Indian writing in English in novel. A novelist and a short story writer, he too is a child of the forces let loose by the Gandhian Revolution as also of he steadying pulls of past tradition. “An epic is a long narrative poem and a great and serious subject related in an elevated style and centered on a heroic or quasidivine figure on whose action depend the fate or tribe a nation or the human race.”

                        Gandhi was no less than the hero of an epic. The freedom struggle of Indian was an epic struggle. Thousands of people sacrificed their lives. It was remain in the background through the novel; Gandhi is no doubt the hero of movement on a small village called Kanthapura. By reading the novel one get idea about the methods and principle of Gandhi. Moorthy and the others freedom fighters of Kanthapura are followers of Gandhi and use Gandhian methods in their struggle against the government. They followed the path of non- violence.

      Creative works of Raja  Rao

(1)        Kanthapura                                                     (1938)

(2)        Cow of the Barricades and other Stories       

(3)        The Serpent and the rope                                (1960)

(4)        The cat and Shakespeare                                 (1965)

(5)        Comrade Kirillow                                           (1976)

(6)        The policeman and the Rose                           (1978)

(7)        The Chess master and his moves                    (1988)

(8)        On the Ganga Ghat                                         (1989)

Kanthapura :-

                                       Although dense with expressions of Indian customs, epical history, politics, and religion, Kanthapura is unusual as an Indo-English novel because the female characters serve in the forefront of revolutionary struggle. In her concluding summary, Achakka expresses her belief that what has happened in her village is essentially positive. Things have changed irrevocably.

                  In form, Kanthapura is an extension of the Indian oral tradition, adapted to a Western language and genre. The extensive use of songs and prayers, allusions, and digressions, and the more limited use of proverbs and epic lists, or catalogs, contribute to the folkloric nature of the writing. Sometimes the pace is heightened by a piling-on of compound sentences at a breathless tempo, and the use of tales-within-tales promotes the sense of impromptu fabrication and immediacy.

                  Kanthapura is one of the earliest examples of the Gandhian novel: fiction that derives its moral force from the figure and precepts of the great political and spiritual leader. It is not simply an exotic tale of a vanished era but also a clever use of a colonial language to serve didactic ends. Like the early novels of Mulk Raj Anand, it is a deliberately moral fiction, but unlike Anand’s work, it is not almost exclusively sociological in tenor. By providing detailed notes on Indian terms and allusions, Rao is able to extend the reach of his fiction, compelling Western readers to slow down their pace of reading, examine the network of mythological and historical associations, and note the analogies which he is drawing between secular history and sacred mythology.  

                           Kanthapura is not only a fine work of art but it also aims at rousing the conscience of the country and even of the world at large, at the ills and injustices which plagued Indian life in the 1930’s. though the novel depicts the freedom movement led by mahatma Gandhi as the main theme, it also aims at social reform. It is so because the gandhian movement did not aim at swaraj only, but also at social reform. In fact, mahatma Gandhi believed that swaraj itself could be attained after certain social reforms and social awakening. These social reforms included freedom from economic exploitation by the west by boycotting foreign goods and by spinning yarn and wearing khadi made from it, also eradication of untouchability and the rigidities of caste system and removal of illiteracy and ignorance and superstition. However, at the end of the novel there is also a mention that raja rao, through his hero moorthy, does not regard gandhism as the last word and that he believes that the basic ill in india was something more fundamental than conceived by gandhiji, inequality.

Kanthapura' as a Gandhian Epic' :-

                  “An epic is a long narrative poem and a great and serious subject related in an elevated style, and centered on a heroic or quasidivine figure on whose action depend the fate of tribe a nation or the human race.”

                                                                          - M.H. Abram

              Kanthapura is the first novel of Raja Rao written in 1938 A.D. It describes the period in which the struggle against the foreign government was dominating the political scenario in India. At that time the Non-Cooperation Movement was in vogue.

             Congress under the leadership of Gandhi was leading the movement. Raja Rao supported the ideas of Gandhi thus Kanthapura as a political novel is totally influenced by the principles of Gandhi. In the beginning of the novel, we come to know about the structure of village.

             We find that the village of Kanthapura is a caste-ridden village and the quarters of people are separated on the basis of casteism. The casteism is so prevalent in Kanthapura that if a Brahmin visits a Pariah’s house, he has to go to Kashi for purification.

               Moorthy, the protagonist of the novel, who is a Brahmin, gives up his studies after being influenced by the Gandhian Philosophy by going through different pamphlets and newspapers. Hence we don’t see Gandhi in actual but his ideology and principles in the novel and Moorthy is the avatar of Gandhi.

              Moorthy after adopting the Gandhian Ideology gives up his studies in the city and returns back to his village. He gives up foreign clothes and goods and wears hand-woven Khaddar. He encourages the people of his village to use native things and become independent of foreign goods.

‘KANTHAPURA’ – Village :-

                        Kanthapura does not exist but it is a imagination of Raja Rao’s mind. Kanthapura village is situated on the Western Ghats in the Valley of Himmavathi River. There it lies ‘curled up like a child on its mother’s lap’. This single image makes the village spirit into life. The reader is able to visualize it as it as lies, sheltered and secluded like a child in its mother’s lap.

Village’s Cotemporary Situation :-

                 (I)     Social Background

(II)    Religion Background

       (III)   Political Background

(I)        Social Background:-

“I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their Dirty feet”.

- Gandhiji….

            The novel has a dormant pattern to the treatment of castes and communities Kanthapura, a tiny village representative of any other village in south Indian. There were four divisions in caste….

            (1)   Brahmin   

(2) Parihar      

(3) Potter

(4) Weaver

        There were conflict between castisim and other issues, but finally all get together and helped each other for the struggle for independence.

(II)       Religion Background:-

                 “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians, and your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

- Gandhiji…

            The village has a people who have strong rigid and orthodox background of religious. The Brahmin is upper cast of society.

            In the Kanthapura people are ignorant, poor and superstitious, but they are also deeply religious. They were faith in Goodness ‘Kenchamma’. She is in the centre of the village. Marriage, sickness, death, ploughing, harvesting, arrest, release all are watched by Kenchamma. There may be small pox or influence around but you make vow to the Goodness, the next morning, you walked and you find the fever has left you. There is a also temple of Kanthapurishwari.  

        Kenchamma, Kenchamma,

Goddess benign, and bounteous,

Mother of earth, blood off life,

Harvest – queen – rain, crowned,

Kenchamma, Kenchamma,

Goddess benign and bounteous…..

 (III)    Political Background:-

              Lift the flag high,

            O. Lift the flag high,

            Brothers, Sisters, Friends and Mother,

            This is the flag of the revolution……

- Gandhiji…

                 In ‘Kanthapura’ – novel political ideas also be found, Earlier, British ruled over India and then slowly and steadily education got reformation and Gandhian ideas started to apply by Moorthy.

First they ignore you,

Then they ridicule you,

Then they fight you, and

            Then you win……

- Gandhiji…

            Kanthapura is one the earliest example of Gandhian Novel. Raja Rao’s novel is the most powerful of Indo – Anglian novel, portraying the impact of the Gandhian Movement on the Indian people. Kanthapura is long narrative novel telling of heroic acts, the birth and death of a hero. So it is an Epic. Kanthapura is telling of impact that Gandhi had on the nation. He concerted the whole nation into an army of Freedom fighters. Gandhiji was no less than the hero of an epic, the freedom struggle of India was an epic struggle. Thousands of people sacrifice their lives. It was remaining in the background through the novel; Gandhi is no doubt the hero of movement on a small village Kanthapura. Here, in the Kanthapura Moorthy is the Gandhi and Hero of the village.

            The main character of the novel is Moorthy. He is Brahmin boy who discovered a half buried ‘Ligna’ from the village and installed it. It is Moorthy who organize Gandhi work in the village, he is indeed life and spirit behind the movement in Kanthapura just as a Gandhi was the life and spirit of freedom struggle in India, but very soon the people of Kanthapura as a whole are actively involved and the novel becomes an account of their suffering and their heroic sacrifice. The people of Kanthapura has been enthused with spirit of Gandhiji and they march ahead heroically despite all the suffering and the hardship they have undergo.

  • “Moorthy is not man of modern novel. He is a ‘very     Prince’, ‘our Rama’ and ‘small mountain’…..

         Like a thousand of young men all over the country Moorthy gave up his studies and joined freedom movement. He dedicated his life to the country after he followed the principal of Gandhiji. He burnet his foreign clothes and started using Khadi. He did not marry and devoted his life totally to the struggle for independence. He sacrifices his personal life and happiness for the sake of freedom fighters in the village Kanthapura.


                        At last we can say that, at first Gandhian ideology spread as a music in every nook and corner of the village Kanthapura and it directs people against British rulers. It is Kanthapura in which Raja Rao’s music for Gandhi achieves its perfection. And truly made it Gandhian novel or Gandhian Epic.

Thank you


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