Sunday 25 August 2019

The Lighthouse By Virginia Woolf

 The Lighthouse By Virginia Woolf

* About the Author :- 

                  Virginia Woolf born 25 January 1882 and death 28 March 1941 Writer was an English writer, considered one of most important modernist 20th century authors and also a pioneer in the use of stream of consciousness as a narrative device. her full name was Adeline Virginia Woolf. especially her satirical work on society, culture, feminism and politic system, her Famous modern novel "To The Lighthouse". her famous work like as,

1) Mrs. Dalloway (1925), 
2) To The Lighthouse (1927), 
3) Orlando (1928),
4) A Room of one's own (1929).

Q-1) How can you explain that 'what' Virginia Woolf wanted to say (for example, the complexity of human relationship, the everyday battles that people are at in their relationship with near and dear ones, the struggle of a female artist against the values of  middle/upper class society etc) can only be said in the way she has said ? ( key : the 'How' of the narrative technique is to be discussed along with features of stream of consciousness technique which helps Woolf to in effective manner what she experienced in abstractions). 

Ans :- Virginia Woolf was a wonder full writer. Virginia Woolf has good ability to discrimination and deep sensitivity which proved through representation of the each characters. she used stream of consciousness in to novel. Virginia Woolf described the complexity and struggle going on between human she uses the stream of consciousness. relation ship between Mr.Ramsay and Mrs.Ramsay they both are opposite from each other. Mr.Ramsay who may be we find in today's culture and percent society also. Mrs.Ramsay as a example of good house wife. James want to go Lighthouse he told her mother. she know James like to listen this. Mr.Ramsay choose truth instead of lie. he never speak lie. Virginia Woolf also described the complexity between lily and Charles Tanslay. Charles believe woman can't Painter writer. lily believe that woman can do painting and writing also. the complexity between Father and son relationship, daughter and mother, lily and Mrs.Ramsay. struggle of female artist.woman are facing so many boundary in present community.

Q-2) Do you agree:" The novel is both the tribute and critique of Mrs.Ramsay ?

Ans:- Yes, I am agree the novel is both the tribute and critique of Mrs.Ramsay character. Mrs.Ramsay is a good Indian house wife. she always behavior like ideal wife, mother, friend but she think about harself. Mrs.Ramsay has all these qualities she taking care of her husband's ego. she satisfied her husband's ego. she supported her husband. she facing struggling with her husband's different moods. Mrs.Ramsay living as ideal woman to remembering her family every movement. the novel also describes Mrs.Ramsay critically. in the novel the main focus was going To The Lighthouse which not full filled until Mrs.Ramsay was lived. After her James and Mr.Ramsay and Nancy went to Lighthouse following her mother wish.

Q-3) Considering symbolically, does the lighthouse stand for Mrs.Ramsay or the narrator (Virginia Woolf herself who is categorically represented by lily) ?

Ans:- Yes, this novel Virginia Woolf herself represents by lily. Mrs.Ramsay character is like central figure in the novel. she suffers alone from all miseries of her self and of other also. she constantly have inner conflicts like the waves at sea-shore. i also feel that Lighthouse symbolically stands for lily briscoe also. when we look this thing on part of Mrs.Ramsay we see that she also become the person who shows path the family members. she provided emotional safety to the family. we talk about any work we can't say that author is completely disappear. there is some effect of the writer we can found in the work.

Q-4) In the article by Joseph Blotner, two myths are patterned together. name the myths ? now they are zeroed down to the symbols of "window" and "Lighthouse" ? how does the male phallic symbols represent feminins Mrs.Ramsay ?

Ans:- myth is folklore genre consisting of narratives or stories that play a fundamental role in a society. in the bible one myth of Adam and Eve also connected here. human being spreed through woman. in Greek mythology famous myth is pagam primordial goddess and Oedipus. the one myth is about the myth of pagam. the novel character who is compered with Mrs.Ramsay is demeter. the way demeter make earth fruit fullness the same manner Mrs.Ramsay makes family fruit fullness. the other myth is about the Oedipus. we see that the relationship of Mrs.Ramsay and James can contact with this myth.

Q-5) What do you understand by the German term "Kunstlerroman" ? how can you justify that "To the Lighthouse" is "Kunstlerroman" novel ?

Ans:- its a German's literary term."Kunst" means that something artistry. the kunstlerroman novel talk's about the artist growth. first in the novel we found in the character of the lily brisco. she has faced so many crisis during her journey as a painter. the second we can connect with the Virginia Woolf 's personal life. as a author she has also faced struggle during her life. lily briscoe is painter and her growth in this novel.

Q-6) "... the wages of obedience is death, and the daughter that reproduces mothering to perfection, including child. bearing, already has on her cheeks the pallor of death. one reminded here of various texts by Lucy lrigaray in which she attacks mothers for being, however unwillingly, accomplices in the patriarchal system of oppression". (viola). in light of this remark, explain briefly lily's dilemma in "To the Lighthouse".

Ans:- Lily briscoe had difference thoughts rather than another woman characters in the novel. in the novel she also fought for freedom who broken all rights of woman. Mr.Ramsay and lily one thing notify that lily has not needed of men for better living her life. lily did not influenced or controlled in any way by other people but at the end of the novel thought about Mrs.Ramsay without variation.

Q-7) You have compared the "beginning" and the "ending" of the novel and the film adaptation of the novel directed by Colin Gregg. do you think that the novel is more poignant than the movie ? if yes, do you ascribe the fact that the power of words is much greater than that of the screen / visuals ?

Ans:- Yes, the novel is more poignant than the movie. because if we only focuses only upon the language than compared to movie the language of the novel is more enjoyable. the language of the novel is high and classic. the thing is the screening of the movie reduces over imagination, the reading of the novel gives more space to our imagination.

Q-11) How is India represented in "To the Lighthouse" ?

Ans:- The novel Mrs.Ramsay presented as Indian ideal women and wife. we know that India has good culture and thriving and people called that "India is country of golden sparrow" and also valley of Emerald. Mrs.Ramsay is like image of India society's woman who pampering husband and children ego and woman self identity is important when she alive but after her death everyone remembering her in the novel.           



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