Web quest Activity : Harry Potter
Group task
* This blog is a part of thinking activity given by our Professor to visit his blog Click Here.
Q-1) Feminist Reading in Harry Potter
Ans :- Female character in Harry Potter series is very significant. there are many female character in the series which are different from each other.
Hermione is one of the main character of Harry Potter series. she is a intelligent and brave girl. this is a best magician girl. she had practice some simple spell and it worked for her where there is no one in her family have magic ability at all and Ron the other Harry's close friends failed to use the spell. The sorcerer's stone in Harry has to depend on Hermione when they have to pass the obstacle to find a stolen stone. Hermione shows that she uses logic and act rationally that reveal her intelligent when there is no wizard has uses logic to pass this obstacle. first part most of the tasks done by Harry. her character change in the third part most of the task performed by her. she supports Harry and Ron in every task.
she is a book lover. and she knows more about magic and apply well in class to help Harry. five part in Hermione, Luna, Ginny helps harry to find prophecy. last part in Hermione destroys one Horcrux Cup.
And other character like Professor Mcgonagall. Mcgonagall become powerful character. she uses her magic wand and takes the authority to save the Hogward.
Q-2) Discource on the purity of blood and Harry Potter.
Ans :- Wizard are that who cames from pure blood. Muggles are that people who have the Mud blood and Half blood people is a mixture of wizard and muggles. Harry as a Half blood boy. Harry Potter's father is wizard and mother is muggle blood. so, he is a Half blood boy. Hermione as a muggle girl. Hermione is a muggle world and she have always conflict with Draco. this Draco is a pure blood. Ron is a pure blood so he has not face any kind of racial problem at all. in Harry Potter series there are many incidence on the blood line and conflict.
Q-3) Confronting reality by reading fantasy.
Ans :- In the world of fantasy J.K.Rowling highlights some serious issues of the real contemporary society like class conflict, politics of power, racism, corruption, etc.. fantasy story could be the reality of our own world. Harry situation contains many of the inchoate fears of childhood. Harry is raised by an aunt and uncle who are dumb, stiff and uncomprehending and treat him with stingy cruelty. Harry Potter is also same kind of novels which helps us in living our real life, but it told us by fantasy story.
Q-4) Self-Help culture and Harry Potter
Ans :- Harry journey from childhood to his young age. Harry, Hermione and Roy quest to rid the world of its ultimate evil is one of the main things that make this series special. Harry is treated very badly in guardian home. He learn strong in awkward situations in life. his life battle is by himself without any kind of support. Hermione help to Harry all task completed. Hermione to show her talent that she is best from all the pure blood students.
Q-5) The Discource of power and politics
Ans :- Imagine that Voldemort's powerful now. Harry Potter is the politics. this parallel political system is kept secret from the non magic people the muggle. the power politics operates in from of suspension of Albus Dumbledore and Hagrid sent to the prison of Azkaban. the school was taken under the ministry of magic and thus they appointed new professors like Umbridge. wizards have power on muggle people who don't no magic. power of media at some point plays an important role where wrong news about Harry and Dumbledore are printed by Rita Skeeter.
Q-12) What is your opinion on this:

Ans :- Harry Potter series continues the argument for hardship and end of the religious racial discrimination by making the half-blood and mud blood as protagonists over the pure blood. this suggest that division on the name of race or blood does not matter. Dobby as free house elf also speaks to end the class discrimination. we see that in Harry Potter also how Rita Skater manipulate the truth. they also should not assume that establishments press tell the absolute truth. Always we have to check about reliability of news and then should trust or spread.
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