Saturday 6 April 2019

Four goals of culture study assignment paper 8

Department of English,
M. K. Bhavnagar University     
Name :-  Mansi Upadhyay
Roll No :- 18
Email Id :-
Department :-M. A.English department
Submitted to :-  Dr. Prof. Dilip Barad
(Head of English Dept. M.K. Bhavanagar University)
Semester :-  2
Paper No :-  8 (Cultural Studies)
Assignment :- four  goals  of culture  study.
                               The word “culture” itself it so difficult to pin down, “cultural studies” is hard to define. As far as cultural study is concerned, it has broader meaning because we see from various perspective then an individual can know what actually it lays in the meaning. Therefore firstly it becomes my job to deconstruct the meaning of culture as the meaning is elaborated according to different critics so at first we will have glance on the meaning of culture.
 What is cultural studies?

                                    Cultural studies is very hard to define it but cultural studies is not so much a discrete approach at all, but rather a set of practice. With the reference book of Elice Walker novel is ‘The color Purple’ (1982). Through this book, the professor identifies African American literary and cultural sources and described the book’s multilayered narrative structure, moving on to the brief review of its feminist critique of American gender and racial attitude. Students and professor discuss the key facts and the different approaches of the novel.
                                     A student raises her hand and says about the film version of Steven Spielberg, angry responses from many African viewers. The class member gave the reactions to the points examine the interrelationship among the race, gender, popular culture, the media, and the literature. They question cultural conventions both the side- historical and contemporary.
                                      Cultural studies is not “a tightly coherent, unified movement of agenda”, but a “loosely coherent group of tendencies, issues and questions”. Cultural studies is composed with the Marxism, post-structuralism and post-modernism, feminism, gender studies, anthropology, sociology, race and ethnic studies, film theory, urban studies public policy, popular cultural studies and post-colonial studies. And those fields concentrate with social and cultural forces that either create community or cause division.
                                        We can take the example of Jacques Derrida’s ‘Deconstruction’. Deconstruction is a theory and practice of writing which questions and claims to undermine the assumption that the system of large language provides grounds that are to adequate to establish the boundaries, the coherent or the unity, and the determine meaning of literary text.
                                         The discipline psychology has also entered the field of cultural studies. For example Jacques Lucan’s psychoanalytic the theory of the unconscious structured as a language promoted a special a special importance to the language and power as symbolic system.
                                           Michel Foucault came to an idea of power is a whole complex of forces, it is that which produced and what happened, accepted ways to thinking, writing, and speaking and practice that embody, exercise and amount the power. Foucault’s ‘Genelogy’it includes many things by the traditional historians, from the archetypal blue prints four prisons to the memory of deviants
Four Goals of Cultural Study

(1)     Cultural Studies transcends the confiner of a particular discipline such as literacy criticism or history.
(2)     Cultural studies are politically engaged.
(3)     Cultural studies deny the separation of ‘high’ and ‘low’ are elite and popular culture.
(4)     Cultural studies analyze not only the cultural work, but also the means of production.

1. )     Cultural studies transcend the confines of a particular discipline such as literary criticism or history.
                            Cultural studies practiced as critical inquiry, Representation and boundry 2 cultural studies involve securitizing the cultural phenomenon of a text. Cultural studies are not necessarily about literature in a traditional sense or even about ‘art’.
                              Intellectual works are not limited by their own “border” as single texts, historical problems or discipline and the critics own personal connections to what is being analyzed may also described. Cultural studies practitioners are “resisting intellectual” who see what they do so“an emancipator project” because it erodes the traditional disciplinary divisions in most institutions of higher education. It is for students who sometimes mean that the professor might make their own opinion to the political view part of the instruction which leads to the problems. But this kind of criticism is an engaged rather than detached activity.

2. )  Cultural studies are politically engadged :

            Cultural critics see themselves as “oppositional” not only within their own disciplines but to many of the power structures of society at large. They question inequalities within power structures and seek to discover models for restructuring relationships among dominant and “mirority” or “subaltern” discourses. Because meaning and individual subjectivity are culturally constructed they can thus be reconstructed. Such a notion, taken to a philosophical extreme, denies the autonomy of the individual whether an actual person or a character in literature, a rebuttal of the traditional humanistic “Great Man” or “Great Book” theory and a relocation of Gestnetics and culture from the ideal realism of taste and sensibility, into the arena of a whole society’s everyday life as it is constructed.

3.  )  Cultural studies denies the separation of high and low or elite and popular culture.
                               “Cultured” person used to mean being acquainted with“highbrew” art and intellectual pursuits. Cultural critics work to transfer culture to include mass culture, or popular, folk or urban.
                                  Jean Baudrillard and Andreas who were the theorists and argued that after World War II the distinctions among high, law and mass culture collapsed and they cite other theorists such as Pierre Bourdieu and Dick Hebdige on how“good taste” and reflects prevailing social, economic and political power bases. Their argument for white superiority and worldwide domination of other races especially Asians.
                                    French historian Michel de certeau, cultural critic examine “the practice of everyday’s life” studying literature as an anthropologist world, as a phenomenon of culture, including a culture’s economy. Transgressing of boundaries among discipline law and high can make cultural studies research paper with the title: - The birth of Captain Jack Sparrow; an analysis and four sources of Johnny Depp’s funky performance in Disney’s pirates of the Caribbean: The course of the Black Pearl (2003), you could research cultural topics ranging from the trade economics of the sea two hundred years ago.   
4. )   Cultural Studies analyses not only the cultural work, but also the means of production.

                                        Marxist critics have long recognized the importance of such paraliterary question as these: who supports a given artists? Who publishes his or her book, and how are these book distributed? Who buys book? For what matter who is literate and who is not? A well-known analysis of literary production is Janice Redway’s study of American romance novel, Reading the Romance, Woman, patriarchy and popular literature which demonstrates the textual effect of publishing industry’s decision about the books that will minimize its financial risks. Cultural studies thus join subjectivity and the cultural in location to individual lives with engagement a direct approach to attacking social ills. Cultural studies practitioners deny, “Humanism” or“the humanities” as universal categories which resembles the goals and values of humanistic and democratic ideals.

Thank you

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